Essential Oils Classes


Wellness Morning ~ Introduction to Essential Oils with Sound Bath Meditation :

25th of February 10am - 12pm in Crystal Palace

To book, please email :

Free Monthly “ Introduction To Essential Oils ” Online Classes :

( first Wednesday of each month )


Pursue What Is Pure 

Are you interested in learning about natural ways of looking after yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually? Would you like to enhance your wellbeing and lifestyle?
I would love to share with you beautiful and empowering knowledge about the physical and energetic qualities of Essential Oils and how to use them in our daily life.

Essential Oils are highly vibrational natural remedies, which help us physically, emotionally and spiritually to live closer and closer to ourselves and the type of life and we desire.

Essential Oils I share are made by beautiful company called Doterra, which promotes very special healthy way of thinking and being and living. The quality and vibration of those oils is very high.

Doterra’s Essential Oils are 100% pure. The system of testing is highly advanced, which allows them to be incredibly potent and beautiful. The quality and vibration of the oils is exceptional.

You are invited and come and experience the oils and feel if you would like to begin the journey of looking after yourself and your loved ones and enhancing your life using natural practices with those beautiful and pure Essential Oils.

Teaching, I facilitate group and one to one classes.

Warm welcome
