Cacao Ceremony


New date to be announced soon. For any questions, please go to contact page :

Investment: £65

Cacao Ceremony is a Meditation. Cacao is a medicine, which has been used for centuries, originally used by the Mayan People with the intention of opening the heart, healing and celebrating life. Cacao Medicine assists us in invoking high quality emotions, love, feelings of connection to ourselves and others, our purpose, our life and therefore it helps us to be grateful. It is a Sacred Teacher and a Master Plant.

During the Ceremony we connect with all those qualities for guidance, transformation and support. We put forward an intention and the Cacao holds us in our prayers.

We gather together in ceremony, celebration, prayer, connection, beauty to enquire about the best possibilities for our personal lives and life as a whole.

Cacao is such an incredible master teacher. It opens our hearts and assists us in accessing wisdom from the most loving places. It has been said in Mayan tales that Cacao is the drink of Gods and they gave it to people, so they can remember love and what to be grateful for.

Working with this plant offers an energetic uplift, which can be experienced even after the ceremony.

Cacao Ceremony is a magical opportunity to spend time in the quietness of our hearts watching with loving eyes and listening with loving ears to our souls whispers. Supported by the loving energy of Cacao Spirit we are able to travel and gather gifts, which we can use as helpful tools in our lives. This meditation experience is held in the form of ceremonial gathering.

Cacao is a sacred plant medicine which opens our heart and our senses to help us to connect to our life from this powerful and pure and all knowing center. Cacao is a loving guide and has been used for centuries in ceremonies as a sacred drink to experience and send gratitude, for meditation, to connect with our families, ancestors, gods and goddesses, ourselves and the whole of life.

It helps us to whisper to our soul ~ " Your love is safe with me ".

Cacao Ceremonies are transformative, healing and nurturing to the mind, body and soul.

During Cacao Ceremony we will be engaging in heartcantered meditation involving drinking Ceremonial Grade Cacao, experiencing Sound Healing, working with Oracle Cards, Essential Oils, Aura Sprays, Vibrational Remedies. We will use Theta Healing, Quiet Contemplation and Dance.

We will create sacred circle and spend the afternoon expanding through the heart and beauty.

The knowing from the heart governs over all the other knowing.

Listen to your heart. You will be glad you did.

Welcome *

Cacao Ceremony Altar.jpg

Testimonials ~

“I have had the pleasure of attending a few Cacao Ceremonies, and Agata is a truly special leader. 

Her ceremonies are beautiful, relaxing and restorative, she creates a safe and comfortable space for us to connect with the spirit of cacao and our hearts, I would thoroughly recommend to anyone who is interested. “


“I have attended Agata’s a Cacao Ceremony and several Sound Baths. Every each time it’s an unique experience. Deep inner work is accompanied by feeling of tranquility and deep relaxation. Thank you Agata for all the amazing work you do in the world.”
